A THRILL-A-MINUTE sci-fi action
adventure story packed with
visual wonders, excitement, humor and romance, as well as deadly dangers.
Published by NAL / Signet Books. |
COREWORLD-- A dying planet, owned by the Corporation, ruled by the
mysterious dictatorship known as the Quintad. A world beset by a deadly plague
that is slowly turning a once thriving land into a desolate, deteriorating
AVALON-- A moon-based paradise, home to the organization known as
University, the one hope for Mankind in the galaxy.
AND MARINDA-- A young American woman scientist trapped for seven hundred
years in suspended animation aboard a deserted starship orbiting Coreworld, a
stowaway and the last of the original colonizers who had made the journey to
the far reaches of the galaxy. Her awakening would spark a deadly battle
between the Quintad's Corporate security forces and the University. A battle
that would leave Marinda marooned on a dying world with the threat of death at
every turn, with only the help of an unlikely hero with special abilities...
VANDAL-- A man haunted by his own past as a special agent and
assassin for the Quintad, he is a cyborg outfitted with interchangable weapons
systems, a dark wisdom and remarkable physical skills, a man who must be
stopped by the Quintad at all costs, and who is pursued by an old lover turned
nemesis who is even more deadly than he...
RAZOR-- A beautiful and athletically honed assassin for the Quintad,
she knows Vandal's strengths and weaknesses only too well and has an old score
to settle with him in addition to her assigned task.
THE PSYBOTS -- A special team of robots with intelligence and emotions, as
well as individual skills and mechanical attributes, they fight to reach
Marinda and Vandal and help them reach safety. |
Gary Alan Ruse is the author of five
published novels and numerous short stories
in magazines and anthologies. His highly
visual style of writing comes from training in
art and film as well as traditional print media.
He is also a newspaper reporter and
photographer. (c) 2009 Gary Alan Ruse
Mark Pavlovich of Character Talent & Associates, Hollywood CA, phone 714-749-2532
Click here for a list of Gary Alan Ruse's published novels and stories
rights reserved.e
Copyright 1986 and 2009 by Gary Alan Ruse. All rights reserved. This artwork and other content is the intellectual property of the author and may not be copied or duplicated in whole or in part, in any form or format, including digital or other electronic means, without the express written consent of the author. It may not be posted on the internet or made available for distribution by other means. rt, in any form or format, including digital or other electronic means, without the express written consent of the author. It may not be posted on the internet or made available for distribution by other means.